rennes' story begins in 2008 in Boston, MA, with a gal named Julia. She originally started as an atelier sewing clothing & leather goods in a sun-soaked studio. A few seasons in, she moved to working with a locally owned and run leather goods factory. This shift created unbeatable quality in the rennes leather goods. At this time Julia was still hand sewing clothing from her studio and wholesaling too.
Since then, we have grown, expanding our vision to include complementary contemporary brands from the USA, Japan, France, Italy, India, & more.
At the end of 2016, we relocated to Philadelphia, PA. With the move came a brick & mortar shop & atelier in the historic neighborhood of Old City. With this, we have shifted our focus to nurturing & growing with the brands we carry & putting the house line on the back burner for a bit, though you can still find leather goods on our site!
We believe in small scale production, supporting local economies, & creating a community around making & design. We pride ourselves on carrying hard to find brands with unique perspectives. We love to help with all things clothing & home goods! If you aren’t able to stop by the shop feel free to send us an email at where we would be happy to help!